Global Health Hackathon
EGHI’s Global Health Hackathon is an innovative program that challenges students to develop their global health leadership potential. The hackathon is an exciting education and entrepreneurial experience that provides students with a competitive forum to develop tech- and product-based solutions for critical global health challenges presented to them by experts in the field. This innovative program brings together Emory University and Georgia Tech students from numerous disciplines including engineering, computer science, the health sciences, law, business, and even the humanities to develop product solutions that can be brought to market and launch successful startups.
Fall 2023: Climate Change and Health Hackathon
The Fall 2023 EGHI/GT Hackathon prompted student teams to envision solutions that address one of the following threats to health, safety, and security: urban flooding or urban heat in Atlanta or global sea-level rise in densely populated, low-resource urban settings.

Spring 2023: Mental Health Technologies Hackathon
The EGHI/GT Mental Health Technologies Hackathon provides Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology students with an opportunity to create novel solutions that can help address mental health challenges. The goal is for student teams to develop marketable products. We welcome and encourage undergraduate and graduate students from all majors and disciplines to participate!
2023 Global Health Hackathon Focuses on Mental Health Technologies

Disaster Hack 2021 Winners
Previous Hackathon: January 2021 Winning Teams
A platform that allows school or company administrators to easily create optimized schedules and seating charts.
More about RotationsCOVERED
- Team 2: WHYbrary // Automated knowledge storage platform to extract information from employee communication, allowing organizations to use their past to streamline their present and future business processes.
- Team 4: Socialite // A productivity app that groups university students into collaborative teams based on shared interests and coursework to provide a platform of emotional support and accountability.
- Team 15: GoodVibes Bracelet // A wearable proximity monitoring device that helps companies reinforce social distancing guidelines and collect data on high trafficked areas.
- Team 28: ProTracker // Accessible contact tracing for schools.
- Team 31: Sentinel - COVID-19 // A COVID-19 vaccine and testing management system that approves and rejects access to facilities through review of COVID-19 testing.
- Team 33: Beacon // An app that connects students in their schools, allowing them to collaborate with one another, learn together and keep one another accountable for meeting their goals.
- Team 34: Bubbl // A noninvasive approach to Covid contact tracing using a hassle-free social networking app that prioritizes private group connections between workers or students.